Understanding The Miami-Dade Lake Belt: How this 78-Acre Region Became the Backbone of Florida’s Construction Aggregate Supply
July 24, 2023
The Vital Role of Miami-Dade’s Limestone Industry in Shaping South Florida
April 5, 2024Supplying Essential Resources to Miami-Dade County
Just about everything we do—and everywhere we go—depends on a secure and low-cost supply of limestone. It’s used to build South Florida’s roads, bridges, schools and hospitals, just to name a few.
In recent years, Americans have learned more about complex supply chains that support our modern way of life. Strong, local supply chains of construction-grade limestone helps keep construction costs down, taxes low, and maintains the quality of life in Miami-Dade County.
Limestone Sustains Critical Infrastructure
- Essentially, limestone is essential! It’s also one of the least well-known, and understood. Limestone found in Miami-Dade’s “Lake Belt” helps maintain vital infrastructure, ensuring everything from food to household consumer goods are delivered to shelves.
Improve and Alleviate Traffic
- South Florida’s Limestone Products Industry supplies 50 percent of the aggregate used in Miami-Dade infrastructure projects, which will help improve gradlock on roads throughout the county.
Good for Local Businesses
- Beyond ensuring the delivery of essential consumer goods, well-maintained infrastructure sustains other critical industries. The distribution of fuel, feed, and raw materials, often inconspicuous to the public eye, is integral to the functioning of our electrical grid, drinking water, and food supply. It’s why our industry has been designated “essential” by the Department of Homeland Security.
Keeps Communities Safe
- All across South Florida, flood control structures—like canals, locks and levees—require maintenance, much of which depend on limestone products. These projects depend on Lake Belt Limestone.
The Bottom Line
If it’s not grown… it’s mined! Our modern way of life—and products we often take for granted—depend on natural resources found right here in Miami-Dade. Visit the M-DLPA Science Center to learn more: https://mdlpa.org/science-center/