Take 30-seconds to tell lawmakers to vote NO

A late-night amendment filed on SB 1604 would open the door for large-scale high-voltage electrical substations to be built next to homes, schools and daycare centers.

Worse still, the amendment would allow for existing substations to be rebuilt and expanded – potentially increasing to many acres in size and affecting your property values and quality of life.

Major policy changes that impact local decision-making deserve transparency, not late night deal-making.

Click here to tell the politicians to vote NO on amendment #532029.

Vote NO on SB 1604 Amendment

Dear Representative,

I’m asking you to oppose a dangerous, late-night amendment (#532029) to SB 1604 that would allow massive electrical substations to be built next to homes, schools and daycare centers, putting our property rights at risk.

We can’t afford that risk. Please vote NO.

Thank you,

Your Name