Our modern way of life depends on natural resources that come straight from the ground—some of the most important are found right here in the Lake Belt.

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If it's not grown, it's mined!

Our modern way of life depends on natural resources that come straight from the ground—some of the most important are found right here in the Lake Belt.


Every product, tool, luxury and necessity can be boiled down to fibers, minerals or both.

Fibers are grown.

Every product, tool, luxury and necessity can be boiled down to fibers, minerals or both.

Fibers are grown.

icon of trees

You find them in simple necessities like toilet paper or the textiles used to make clothes.

Image of clothing

You find them in simple necessities like toilet paper or the textiles used to make clothes.

icon of toilet paper

Minerals are mined to make basic building materials. In fact, our South Florida operations provide the limestone needed to manufacture cement, concrete and asphalt—the products we take for granted to build our homes, schools, hospitals, offices and roads.

Minerals are mined to make basic building materials. In fact, our South Florida operations provide the limestone needed to manufacture cement, concrete and asphalt—the products we take for granted to build our homes, schools, hospitals, offices and roads.

Scene of a truck hauling rocks

But there are also minerals in advanced products like lightbulbs.


But there are also minerals in advanced products like lightbulbs.


Copper, nickel and aluminum are among the many minerals used.

  • Copper and nickel are used to create the wires that carry electricity from the source to the area that emits light.

  • Aluminum is used to create heat deflectors, which keep lightbulbs from burning too hot.


Copper, nickel and aluminum are among the many minerals used.

  • Copper and nickel are used to create the wires that carry electricity from the source to the area that emits light.

  • Aluminum is used to create heat deflectors, which keep lightbulbs from burning too hot.


And air conditioner units.

From stainless steel encasings to aluminum tubing’s, air conditioning would be impossible without mined natural resources.

And air conditioner units.

From stainless steel encasings to aluminum tubing’s, air conditioning would be impossible without mined natural resources.

Or tablets... Screen: LCD screens are made with silica sand and polycarbonate plastic.
Processor: Your processor is made with copper, gold and more silica.
Battery: Batteries contain everything from nickel, aluminum and manganese to cadmium, cerium, lanthanum and cobalt.
Printed Circuit Board: The fiberglass circuit board is also made from silica, along with copper and tin.

So, the next time you use a slick new device...

device icons

So, the next time you use a slick new device...

...turn on a light...

…drop your kids off at school…

…drop your kids off at school…

…or drive to work…

…or drive to work...



If it wasn't grown - it was mined!

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